Articles on: Getting Started

How to check if FlyingPress is working on your site

Once you've installed and activated FlyingPress and see the "Pages cached" count, FlyingPress should already be working:

FlyingPress cached pages count

Here are four different methods to verify if FlyingPress is caching and optimizing your pages:

1. Inspecting the FlyingPress Footprint:

FlyingPress appends a unique mark to optimized pages.

To verify, view your site's source code ("View Page Source") and find "Powered by FlyingPress for lightning-fast performance" at the bottom of the page.

If you've enabled HTML Minify in Cloudflare, this will not be visible.

FlyingPress footprint

2. Searching for FlyingPress Tags:

Look for the keyword "flying-press" within the source code.

Its presence indicates that optimizations like CSS/JS minify, remove unused CSS, etc are working correctly.

FlyingPress tags

3. Checking Response Headers:

Open the network tab in your browser, refresh your site, and click on the first network request.

Look for "X-Flying-Press-Cache" in the response headers, indicating "HIT" (cached) or "MISS" (not cached).

If you have another caching layer, like Cloudflare APO or Varnish or any other server-side caching, the FlyingPress cache might show "MISS", as the other caching layer could be serving the cache; this is expected.

FlyingPress response header

4. Inspecting the Cache Folder:

Optimized pages and files are stored in "wp-content." Using FTP or a plugin like "File Manager," navigate to "wp-content" > "cache" > "flying-press"

If you see minified CSS & JS files, fonts files, HTML pages etc, FlyingPress is working as intended.

FlyingPress cache folder

Updated on: 16/11/2023

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