Articles on: Features

Bloat Remover - all features explained

1. Remove Google Fonts

Improve your website's performance by replacing Google Fonts with system fonts already available on the user's device. This reduces the number of external requests, speeding up page load times.

2. Disable XML-RPC

Boost your website's performance by disabling XML-RPC, which can cause slow performance and unnecessary requests. XML-RPC is an older protocol that may not be needed in modern applications.

3. Disable RSS Feed

Improve performance by disabling the RSS feed, which can consume server resources and generate additional requests. This is useful for websites that don't require RSS functionality.

4. Disable Block Editor CSS

Improve performance by disabling the block editor (Gutenberg) CSS on the front-end. This is beneficial for websites that don't use the Gutenberg editor or have custom styling.

5. Disable oEmbeds

Disable oEmbeds to prevent other sites from displaying your content, which can generate additional requests. This is helpful for websites that want to maintain control over where their content is displayed.

6. Disable Emojis

Disable Emojis used by WordPress to display smileys and other icons. This reduces the number of resources loaded, improving performance.

7. Disable WP Cron

Disables the WordPress inbuilt cron system, which runs scheduled tasks on user visits. Instead, use an external cron job to run tasks at specific intervals, reducing server load.

8. Disable jQuery Migrate

Disables jQuery Migrate, which is used to provide backward compatibility for older jQuery code. This is useful for websites that don't rely on deprecated jQuery functions, improving performance.

9. Disable Dashicons

Remove Dashicons, which are used by the WordPress admin interface but may not be needed on the front-end. This reduces the number of resources loaded, improving performance.

10. Control Post Revisions

Control how many post revisions are stored, reducing database bloat and improving performance.

10.1 Limit Post Revisions

Set the maximum number of post revisions to store. This helps prevent your database from becoming too large and slowing down your website.

11. Control Heartbeat

Control the Heartbeat API, which runs in the background and can consume server resources.

11.1 Heartbeat Behaviour

Control how the Heartbeat API behaves to optimize resource usage and improve performance.

11.2 Heartbeat Frequency

Control the frequency at which the Heartbeat API sends requests, reducing the number of requests and improving performance.

Updated on: 23/06/2023

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